Calamine Lotion...

on 15 February 2011

ari ni ari pagi td ader klaz dispensed..aiceceh, mcm pantun sudah, phoenetic style, as usual, haku mau tnjuk ubat yg haku dispensed td....korg pun mmg dh bese kan dgn.....


 jeng3....aiceceh, manyak cantik maa...

 aku sapu ckit kt tgn...waa, u can feel da burning sensationnzzzzz....
a.k.a calamine lotion den mnjadi! hohoh...

so, wats da use of calamine lotion? Use 4 protecting purpose as it contains Zinc Oxide n Calamine, which act as astringent (precipitation of protein)....da astringent action - a dry superficial layer of protein will be formed n dis protect ur skin from sunlight n radiation.....CLAP3!
korg time kcik2 dlu pun pnah pki kan....xkan x igt kot time mak sapukan kt kte time kte ader rash or chickenpox?  =P ...


aku dpt 9/10 agi...hiii....
btw, ari rabu n khamis neh ader lg exam..mampoih! doakn saya yer...

k, wsslm...

p/s : smone unexpexted from 0904 juz got 4 flat....jelez2....

0 side effects ?:

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