Final dah nak dekat..actually, lagi 3 hari...kat bandung takde study weeks ye tuan2 puan2...masak la korang nk cramp banyak2 =P
Ok, this is a bit story about ITB.
ITB or Institut Teknologi Bandung is the best university in Indonesia. Semua top students , budak2 nombor 1 dalam kelas di Indonesia sahaja yang deterima masuk ke ITB. Memang hebak2 la students sini. Kemasukan international students started tahun apa aku x tahu. International students ni dari Europe, Arab, China, Vietnam , Malaysia etc.
Pharmacy kat ITB ada 2: Clinical Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy
Read this very carefully ya, course yang diiktiraf oleh MQA & Pharmacy Board of Malaysia is INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY. Before masuk ITB, aku tau the course i was going to study is industrial, tapi ingat kan industry means machines ( i thought machines ni a bit interesting la kan), so alang2 nak bergelar Pegawai Farmasi, aku pegi ITB dengan hati yang gumbira.
I WAS WRONG. Industrial means MATH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY. Sangat2 ditekan kan. SANGAT. Kalau clinical u belajar formulation, eg: choosing the right surfactant, dalam industrial, u learn in choosing the lowest or highest ZETA potential for emulsion or suspension. ZETA potential is physic thingssssss.
Dalam clinical u maybe belajar the problem of suspension like flocculation, creaming etc, dalam industrial u'll learn about reducing the free surface energy. In clinical u maybe belajar choosing the right viscosity agent, here we learn about choosing the right rheology for each dosage form. Semua nya sangat heavily in physics.
Calculations, numbers, formulas......
Mind you, kalau korang sangat pandai dalam kira2, korang insya Allah boleh survive kat sini. Tapi kalau korang otak biology cam aku, think twice thrice banyak kali before masuk ITB.
Owh ya, i really3 hope my junior baca post ni.Sebab benda ni sangat penting and i bet agents2 kat malaysia takkan bagitau korang benda ni. Hari tu Pharmacy Board datang ITB, and lepas sorang2 kena ambush termasuk aku ( -_____- ) , Pharmacy Board announced that we will be the LAST BATCH that is capable to go for CLINICAL PHARMACY LICENSE.
Pharmacy pun ada 2 jenis lesen ye kawan2: 1st lesen is for u to go work in hospital as pharmacist a.k.a dispenser yang korang nampak duduk kat kaunter bagi arahan camne nak makan ubat. 2nd lesen is Industrial lesen di mana korang akan bekerja di kilang2 ubat like Zuellig di Shah Alam ( yes, aku dah pikir kalo susah sangat, pegi je la Zuellig kt Bukit Jelutong tu ). So lepas ni, kalau korang masuk ITB, korang hanya bole apply lesen untuk INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY sahaja. So pikir masak2 before apply !!
Industrial Pharmacists sangat2 masyuk and ada life compare to clinical pharmacy. Tapi industrial pharmacy banyak paper work. Disebabkan Malaysia bukan negara yang pioneer ubat seperti US, korang sebenar nya hanya memantau the medicine making process mengikut rules & patterns establishes a.k.a BOSAN. Korang tak payah nak berangan nak cipta ubat baru. Kirim salam. Tapi lain la kalau korang nak masuk bidang Health, Herbs or Cosmetic Products. Haaa, this is where Industrial sangat beneficial sebab korang bole kaya macam Dr Rozmey =P . Bussiness kan ?
For me, sebenar nya aku prefer clinical pharmacy. The one that handles CDR, TPN, dispensing semua. I love that since diploma lagi. Time practical tu la yang paling aku suka. Tapi disebab kan rezeki dah kt ITB even aku still bole buat lesen in clinical, this made me think twice. Kenapa Allah masuk kan aku at sini sedang kan Dia tahu aku benci dan lemah dalam fizik ? Sekarang aku dah tau.
Sebab He wants me to be better version of myself. That simple. Dia nak aku face my fear and overcome it. Setakat ni aku belum berjaya overcome as mid sem hari tu aku almost fail in physical pharmacy a.k.a the physics in pharmacy . Tapi beza nya aku sekarang aku dah rela and aku dah reda.
Dulu aku sangat marah, tension, depress, benci bila belajar benda2 ni. Tapi sekarang aku ready untuk menerima segala ilmu fizik, statistic, kimia kat sini yang Allah bagi. Aku reda. Mana la tau sofia yang korang tengok sekarang bakal jadi tauke kosmetik or health products pastu kayo cam Sendayu Tinggi ke. Or korang akan nampak aku dispense ubat kat hospital. Either way. Aku rela either Clinical or Industrial.
I am where He wants me exactly to be. All is according to plans. So Alhamdulillah. I have nothing to regret for as He gave everything more than i could ever asked.
-Le classmates-
- Aku yang kena peluk ngan amoi adeline tu -
1 side effects ?:
waaahhh..superb pic aya.. bt is tht true abt pharmacy board thing??
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