I think aku dah bosan study. Aku tak sabar nak grad & pegang duit sendiri. Some said dunia study paling senang. Maybe. Tapi aku dah muak dah la. Serious. Aku dah tak ikhlas dah belajar semua ni. Dah la salah masuk course, racism & double standard everywhere, aku tak nape aku belajar certain subjects like takde function and etc. Hope aku tak rendahkan semangat any students who are reading this. Go do what u love. Dont let cynical & sadist me ruin your enthusiasm.
Now we get straight to the point. First thing first before u enter university/ college life, keep this in mind : LIFE WILL BE DIFFERENT & U'LL CHANGE. Mostly changed for good. It wont be easy, trust me. It takes every ounce of your energy, your motivation & your sweats and tears lol. ( Ke aku je yang rsa camni? Haha).
Tips2 nya adalah :-
1) Concentrate dalam kelas
Kau maybe tak paham dalam kelas lepas tu kau pikir, "rilex la, aku pahamkan kat rumah ". NO. Sebab kau masuk je kelas lain, lecturers bagi assignments. Pastu kau masuk lab, tambah report, tambah journal. Ko masuk extra class, tambah lagi presentation. Literally , kau memang takde masa pastu kau dok tangguh n tangguh n tangguh nak pahamkan apa yang kau tak paham, sampai la exam, Time tu takde masa, baru kau sedar betapa penting nya BAGI PAHAMKAN STRAIGHT DALAM KELAS. Kalau kau x paham 100%, at least get the idea. Mcm aku serious x paham all physics stuffs dalam subject Instrument, tapi at least aku cuba paham yang benda ni nak detect impurities dalam ubat by using UV/Vis wave.
2) Make your own notes
Yes kau ada buku teks, ada internet. Tapi yang keluar dalam exam is what your lecturers taught in class. ( Even some lecturers diaorang memang tanya out of topic, but mostly hint dia dalam kelas ). Apa dia ajar, even takde dalam slides notes or books, kau wajib catat even small details. Aku banyak kali survive exam sebab kebetulan aku ada catat benda2 kecik dalam kelas. Aku tak tipu, one day masa lecturer nampak ktorang dah bosan, pastu dia cakap "what is the first taste sense that will go away if u have flu? U wont taste any sweet taste". Aku tulis benda tu then before exam aku sekali imbas je ternampak notes aku. Bammm keluar soalan. Students laen keluar dewan tanya "weyh ada ke dia ajar ??". Yes , ada, Kau memang kena tumpu . Lecturers kalau dah geram, memang diaorang test students macam ni.
3) Baik dengan seniors
Even kau menyampah mana pun dengan senior korang, diaorang ada satu ego korang kena feed. Diorang suka kalau juniors bertanya soalan. And actually murah hati kalau korang mintak NOTES, SLIDES, PAST YEAR QUESTIONS & QUIZZES. Korang mintak je tips all before pergi exam sebab prediction diorang mostly 60% akan keluar dalam exam. Jangan gaduh dengan senior, sebab let say kau dah buat hal kat sorang, kau rasa kawan2 dia yang laen nak tolong kau ke ? Nama kau dah buruk kat situ. Seriously, kalau kau baik dengan senior, kadar survival rate kau kat universiti naik 40%.
4) Baik dengan lecturers
Ada beza buat baik and kaki kipas. Kaki kipas is student tu tak berusaha like others, tapi markah dia selalu tinggi coz selalu bodek lecturers. You guys maybe pikir , "takkan lecturers takde integrity bias sebab students baik dengan diorang ??".
You guys lupa satu benda, LECTURERS ARE HUMAN. Diaorang maybe ingat budak2 kaki bodek ni budak baik, so lepas mengajar budak2 keras kepala & kaki tidur macam you guys, dioarang happy tau ada students yang at least tumpu dalam kelas ( that's what they taught ).
Buat baik is, JANGAN MELAWAN. Even korang rasa lecturers tu tak adil, discriminate, taknak negotiate tarikh exam, jangan sekali-kali raise your voice and lawan. Keep this in mind, YOUR FUTURE IS IN THEIR HANDS. Imagine korang dah berkelakuan kurang hajar, and kebetulan in exam, korang tinggal satu je markah nak lulus. Dia bole je luluskan, tapi kau dah buat taik, so dia failkan kau. True story.
Buat baik means, jangan ponteng melebihi kuota, lol. Bila lecturers tau korang kaki ponteng, bila korang tak score dalam exam & u guys mintak second chance by doing assignments, jawapan tipikal diorang would be, "U could not answer during exam because u WERE NOT in the class". Jangan bagi impression kaki ponteng, ever.
Buat baik juga bermaksud, hantar assingments on time dan please kurangkan plagiarism ( try to maintain the originality of your assignments at 60% at least ).
5) Buat baik dengan assistants.
Most lecturers ada assistants dioarang sendiri, especially lab assistants. You guys jangan pandang rendah kat akademik diorang, because most assistants are Master student, or in training to be lecturer.
I feel bad to say this, but memang extra point if u guys cantik/ lawa or handsome. Again, assistants are human too. Dalam kelas aku ada this guys always survive because almost all assistants tangkap cintan dengan dia. Aku tak cakap guna lah kecantikan korang if nak survive, this is soooo wrong. Tapi, kalau korang dah notice some special attention to u from that particular assistant, use it. Korang boleh bertanya lebih and they might give u extra answer & tips. True story. Im sorry, tapi dunia ni memang agak lebih mudah bagi orang cantik. ( my opinion). I once read, "Being ugly in this world seems like playing a game in a hard mode".
Tapi tak semua assistants gatal. Ada assistants yang betul2 nak guide & tolong korang. If korang jadi kawan dia, and tunjuk kan semangat nak study, memang diorang TOLONG SANGAT2. Diorang akan bagi markah tinggi dalam tests, dalam reports, dalam exam, and before exams, they might give some good tips to you guys.
So again, be good to the lecturer's assistants.
6) Study weeks
If you guys ada past year questions from seniors or library, first thing first DO/ PRACTICE THE PAST YEAR QUESTIONS. Even korang belum habis ulangkaji all notes, seriously practice dulu past years, and cari jawapan for the questions. 70% chance soalan yang sama akan keluar lagi dalam exam in different ways. Say, in 2011 punya soalan tanya pasal method of detecting alkaloids in diagram type of question, possibly in your exam akan keluar method of detecting alkaloid in essays.
Let say if tak sama pun, the pattern will be the same. Tak sayang ke if korang tak practice past year questions, then tiba2 keluar soalan sebijik. Maybe if korang practice, you guys can get even Á in that particular subject. Or it can give u the idea of the lecturer's pattern about the exam. I have this lecturer, in the objective/ multiple choice questions, dia suka letak dekat 'D; All the above is true'. And selalu nya 'D' is the right answer. True story, again.
Lepas practice past year, baca balik all old tests and quizzes. 10% chance the questions will be asked in exam are the same questions from the test/ quiz.
Then baru korang bole baca notes/ slides/ reports/ text books or internet. Try habiskan all before exams, and again, please ask your seniors for some tips. Trust me.
7) Sleep
Don't worry pasal mata panda or tak cukup tidur, sampai korang penat la yakin kan diri, "owh sehari kena tidur 8 jam". Bulls**t. Tidur terletak dekat no 2 terakhir in what-to-do list korang. Korban tidur itu normal. Tough sikit. ( Terakhir is tengok wayang , hehe ).
8) Duit
Korang kena pandai manage duit in college life. Mostly duit akan terbang dekat assignments, reports, ink printer ( if u have printer), kertas A4, alat tulis, alat lab2 ( e.g: gloves, masks, spatula), final year projects and MAKAN. Makan tu aku tekan kan sikit, cause please2 jangan skip makan. Kalau takde duit sangat pun, at least makan telur goreng dengan nasi. Bila all this hectic datang, korang sangat memerlukan energy. Being tired, lethargy or sick are the things u mostly want to avoid.
9) Drama
Drama itu sentiasa ada, sebab manusia lain2 perangai. Yang ni aku x bole bagi tips sangat, sebab aku try elak camne pun, aku selalu dalam drama. Aku pun tak paham. Just because aku tukar status in Whatsapp pun jadi isu, apatah lagi isu lain. Aku moody time PMS, orang bole benci aku cakap aku tak professional. Manusia susah nak dipuaskan, so all i can say is, PILIH KAWAN yang kau betul2 matching and stick with her/ him. Yang lain kau xpayah carik gaduh, just act professional dan kawan macam biasa, because it'll bring much trouble kalau korang terpaksa buat assignment dalam satu kumpulan, apatah lagi lab partner.
Ada la satu time ni, minah dua ni gaduh besar. So sorang ni sampai la hati hantar assignment, tak letak nama dia lalu submit, thus jadi isu dekat assistants, so dia dicop pembawa masalah. So please, try to avoid all this drama.
Kalau korang dah terlibat, please act all classy about this. Jangan jadi budak2 pergi post status kt FB, pergi marah2, pergi report kat lecturers. Dah masuk university ni, please act like a grown up. Bila dah terlibat, bawak2 bersabar, kalau x tahan sangat, luahkan kan la bestfriend korang or your mom. And if u decide to counter attack, do it in a proper way. Example, if budak tu dah pergi report kat lecturer, korang jumpa lecturer tu balik with enough evidence. Balas balik with good marks, good name and good behaviors. Nothing is better when you smile where everyone expect you not to.
Nothing good ever comes if u throw tantrum in the class, fb or instagram. Again, YOU ARE A SCHOLAR, ACT LIKE ONE.
10) Have time for yourself
Yes CGPA itu penting. Tapi CGPA bukan segalanya, Tak berbaloi sebab exam korang tiba2 dapat sakit buah pinggang ke, sakit denggi sampai tak pergi hospital, sampai pengsan sebab terlalu penat, kena masuk IV la apa la. Tak tak.
Ingat dulu purpose korang masuk universiti ni. Nak dapat kerja elok, nak balas budi mak abah, or maybe for some nerds out there, because u guys memang betul2 minat nak belajar. Kesihatan adalah salah satu kurniaan yang paling berharga. Sekali Allah tarik nikmat tu, sebanyak mana pun duit tak kan mampu bagi balik tubuh badan yang dulu. Penat la korang makan collagen, stem cell, virgin olive oil, supplements, tetap takkan sama macam dulu.
Lepas dah habis all kerja, spend some times on fun activities, examples : baca pinterest, 9gag, facebook or some novels for few hours before go to sleep, pergi jogging waktu petang, tengok movies dekat laptop ( time ni korang tertengok 18sx movie secara tak sengaja, because internet tak censored. Brace yourself), pergi shopping or even masak. Pergi makan tempat fancy, or watch some football match, pergi dinner kat hotel or even socialize with other students from other universities. Pergi usrah, baca yassin or dengar kuliah Nouman Ali Khan.
Masuk la kelab2 if berminat, masuk pertandingan or sukan tahunan.
You'll make great memories, new friends and even may develop new skills or find new talents within yourself .
11) Have faith
Dulu aku selalu ingat, if kita work hard enough, kita akan berjaya. Tak, i was wrong. Kejayaan takes sooo much more than hard work. Aku pernah study giler2 , tapi aku kena repeat jugak paper tu. Banyak kali. Aku tak paham kenapa bila aku dah study pun, still aku tak score. sangat. Kat mana silap dia, Allah je yang tahu. Ada sekali tu malam before exam with 5 more topics to be covered, aku dapat soalan exam from that good looking guy, who asked the questions from some girls who had the exam already. Not fair right ? World is not fair, the one im living in. Bagi aku yang dah tercemar dengan persepsi negative due to all this unfairness, the no 1 tip is U MUST KNOW HOW TO SURVIVE.

Honestly, aku dah buat benda yang sama, as i figured this is one of the way to get what i want. Ada la seorang assistant ni, yang garang memanjang & bias terhadap perempuan cantik. Aku dah try mintak kunci locker untuk final year project for 1 month, and asyik direject. Then the next day, one of my classmate beritahu that particular assistant layan je apa dia nak, for an obvious reason, she is pretty. One day, i did my make up extra, I did my tudung nicely, and wore pretty cloth. I speak nicely to him, bammm, i got the key right away.
Believe me, kau ingat aku tak tau ke berdosa tunjuk kecantikan kat orang, untuk dapat benda yang kita nak ?
This is the the world im living right now. I know all this is some kind of tests to me. I failed one test, cause instead of hardwork, i used my face & my body. Aku try jadi positive camne pun, nak ikhlas kan diri untuk belajar, aku dah tak boleh.
Aku dah takde semangat. Aku dah jadi negative camne ntah. Aku nak cepat blah, aku nak pegang duit, aku nak manja kan diri aku, and aku nak balas budi mak abah.
The only thing that keep me going, is my faith toward this ayah "No small goes unnoticed". I believe, all this, one day akan berbaloi. Akan bayar balik. I'll get good job, good money, good reputation.
I have faith that one day all this is worth it
And finally, believe that you are a diamond-in-the-making...
Tu je...
Hope semua tips ni membantu.
Good luck !
p/s: all picture is taken from 9gag, and not mine