i had da 'BEST' dispense klaz eva!!! get it?? waaaaaaaaa, wa tayang sama lu sir sudakhar, skali die suwuh dispense 2 exp...aku dh expect dah but i thought we gonna dispense POWDER N PASTE...but PASTE & SUPPOSITORIES instead, wah! seronokzss!
so, mula2 wat Zinc Oxide paste..haha, 1st time gne dispense balance....sblum neh ktorg gne analytical balance je, so td aku dok nganga la jgk pki, tu pun org yg tolong adjustkan...hihi....bwat paste senang la jgk, but it consumed 1 hour n half oredy, so it is possible to make rectal suppositories in another 1 hour n half..??
DEAD ~ ~
eh xdela, idop je lagi ni, siap update blog lagi, tadaa!! hohoh...k2, so mula2 ktorg calibrate dulu to ensure da weigh da mould can withstand...owh, 2 gram shja..itit jer, ahaks, tomei ~ ~ abez calibration, i g lubricate da mould by using soap while irene weighing da cocoa butter..oh ya, minggu neh grouping lagi! 2 persons in 1 group n ma partner is again, IRENE DA LENG LOI!! hihi....dah2, pastu ktorg g melt kan cocoa butter tu over da water bath... ( aku ingat lagi mdm Parkavi ckp CB neh ader bau chocolate, tipu! bau kacang, cet! )
After its fully melted, we incorporated da small amount of it with Boric Acid on da ointment slab...then, transfer balik kt china dish...then, melted it again until it bcome pourable...pastu, tuang la kt dlm mould & place da mould onto da ice....
- ktorg punyer kt TENGAH2 tu -
- dis is arshanah's-
- patah sebab lack of lubricant -
- tadaaaa...!!!! -
- hou le nga !! -
- tadaa again !!-
- suppositories xde container,
so ktorg dispense dlm hand-made sampul -
heheh..walaupun agak kecoh n tergopoh2, u noe da bez part is, ktorg dpt FULL MARK...hahaha..peliks....harap sgt2 sesangat final exam nnt x kuar suppositories...k, tu je..
5 side effects ?: nyer wat supp0..
dulu kiteorang tak sempat pon..
terkejar-kejar mase..
eh akak share sikit kat blog bole tak?
maklomlah tak penah try wat...
plizzz (^____^)V
haha, yup2, bez gak, even terkejar2 masa....share? bole ajer kak... =)
tp camne akak nk share aper yer? pic? info ? =)
share info+gambar jew ea..
nak share link skali boleh kew??
tenkiu (^___^)
akak da kopi da..
bace n tolon jawab soklan dalam entry tu ek..peliizzz...
dh jwb dh kt blog akak =)
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